About Me

I graduated from Kalamazoo College in the US with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics (Summa Cum Laude and with Honors). My junior year, I went on an exchange program to the France Business School/Ecole Supérieure de Commerce in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Though the program only lasted 6 months, it impacted me enough to move there permanently.

My professional experience revolves around data management (Big Data, engineering, sourcing and cleaning). I've worked on every stage of the ETL Cycle.

My language proficiencies

I speak English and Spanish natively, and studied French in a formal setting for over 10 years. In 2019, I moved from the U.S. to France (where I now work and live).

†"Familiarity" means that I have used it for at least one project and could pick it up again rather quickly, but would have to reference documentation and/or previous code.

*"Proficient" means I can write efficient, concise code in this language without referring too much to outside sources. If given source code, I could optimize it.